Sunday, 23 September 2012

a healthier life

As you get older, you start to think more about life and the way you live it.
I am 25 years old now and I know that there is still a lot that I want to do and discover. Living in the centre of Copenhagen, I have felt a bit stressed out lately and missed a quiet life and nature.
So sometimes I dream of living a quiet life in the country where I am surrounded by nature. Preferably in Bavaria where I come from. Here is a lovely picture of the Bavarian countryside:
On the other hand, though, I should be grateful for my present life here in Copenhagen with all my lovely friends, exciting spare time and new adventures.
Right now, I am somewhere in my life where I am still trying to figure out who I am exactly and that is an interesting stage and journey.
One thing that I would like to change in my life is that I am healthier in general. I often suffer from tonsillitis, colds, tiredness and so on. I feel as if I could have a healthier, more balanced life and that is why I have started to read more about natural medicine, medicinal herbs and healthy lifestyles.
Today I want to share this website that I came across and that I really like.
I hope some of you like it as well and find it inspirational to think about a healthier life.
I guess that if you are from the country and live in a city, you miss the quiet country life and you long for it. I am interested in your opinions. Please share and write me :)

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Mission impossible: finding a flat in Copenhagen

For a good four weeks now have I been trying to find a flat or a room to rent in Copenhagen. I would like to stay living in the centre but some outskirts would do it for me as well. Some others, however, are simply too far out and too ugly. I looked at one room on Sunday .. I did not feel as if I was still in Copenhagen.
At the moment, I am crashing on my friend's couch (thanks a lot Ricky :) ) and it is really frustrating that I am spending money on websites like, or when no one replies or the flats or rooms are mysteriously already rented out the very same day the ads for them have been put onto the websites.
I am very fed up with this situation at the moment. Just keep hoping that a nice flat or room is coming up soon and is worth all that trouble.


Saturday, 8 September 2012

Something about me ...

One of my good friends liked the idea that I started a blog. Unfortunately, I had to admit that I was not really good at bearing up my blog because I was busy or had no clue what to write about.
So my friend just said that I should write about me and my everyday life. It could be interesting to some people in the world out there.
Alrighty, so here we go ... I would like to write a bit more about one topic, namely: Psoriasis. I have had this skin disease since I was nine years old. And for me personally, it would be very interesting to get responses back from people all over the world with the same problem. Or some who have good friends or family with this problem.

In April, I had another episode and the psoriasis came back after two years. Mainly on my hands where everyone can see it, so I often feel uncomfortable when people looke at my hands. I also have some tiny spots of Pso in my face and on my legs but I'm still fighting them with a cortison ointment.
But as we all know: cortison is not a solution in the long run. Therefore, I decided to start taking the Fumaderm tablets again. I took them about two years ago and the psoriasis disappeared after only three weeks.
This all sounds amazingly good but I must say that these tablets came with some strong byeffects. Everytime I took them, I had to lay down for an hour because I had an almost unbearable strong headache and pretty intense hot flushes. I know that I might should have stopped taking Fumaderm but I could also see the progress on my skin.

So now, after light treatments and cortison ointments, I am so fed up of having Pso that I decided to take the tablets again. My doctor gave me prescription but warned me, however, that I should not continue taking them if byeffects appear. Moreover, I have to make very sure that I am not ill (which is hard for me since I always have a bit of a cold).

I will start taking Fumaderm on Monday and will hopefully update my blog with my experience. Anyone out there with experiences with Fumaderm? Would be interesting to hear.
