Monday, 12 January 2015

H&M - new arrivals 2015

This post is going to be my first one about fashion. I love fashion and I thought: "why not share my taste in clothes here with you on my blog?"

So here are the pieces of the new arrivals at H&M that I really want to have :-) provided that my bank account lets me have them.

Enjoy your week and your fashion :-) Kat xxx

Friday, 2 January 2015

Happy new year - 2015

I wish you all a happy new year - and that all your resolutions turn out the way you intend to.

Well, this year I have a long list of resolutions and on top of it is (as on most women's, I guess) to get fit and toned and lose weight as a sideline.
But I did not wait until New Year's. I already signed up at a gym at the end of November and I have tried to change my eating habits.
It has been good so far except for the Christmas days and the New Year's Eve party with all that delicious food.

Another resolution that I need to stick with is to tidy up and organize everything around me better. I am a person who puts off things until they need to be done and then I am in such a hurry that I do them only half-hearted and not as well as they could be.

And one of the most important resolutions that I need to stick with is to stop spending so much money on useless rubbish and start saving money.

Here's to you and a super fantastic 2015!!

Kat :-) xxx