Wie bereits vor langer Zeit angekündigt, kommt nun endlich wieder ein kleiner Beitrag über Schüßler-Salze. Mittlerweile bin ich immer mehr von ihnen überzeugt, vor allem wenn man sich mit Problemhaut herumschlagen muss.

Also habe ich mich mehr mit homöopathischen Wegen zur Besserung beschäftigt und folgende Tipps für euch (bei Aknehaut mit fettiger T-Zone):
Zur innerlichen Anwendung immer nur 3 Salze zur gleichen Zeit. Meine absoluten Favouriten sind hier das Schüßler-Salz Nr. 3 (Ferrum Phosphoricum), Nr. 11 (Silicea) und Nr. 12 (Calcium Sulfuricum).
Von allen drei Salzen vier Wochen lang 6 x täglich je 2 Tabletten einnehmen, also 36 Stück täglich. Die Tabletten einfach im Mund langsam zergehen lassen. Bei Lactoseintoleranz bitte auf Tropfen oder Globuli umsteigen!
Zur äußeren Anwendung gibt es aus Salben aus Schüßler-Salzen zu kaufen. Man kann aber auch selbst Salben oder Masken aus den Salzen herstellen. Hier empfehle ich Salben mit den Salzen Nr. 9 (Natrium Phosphoricum) und Nr. 11 (Silicea). Bis jetzt habe ich selbst noch keine Salben hergestellt, deswegen gibt es nun von mir auch kein Rezept.
Die Schüßler-Salze können die Abheilung der Akne unterstützen, aber man kann sich nicht alleine auf die Salze verlassen, wenn man selbst nicht noch ein wenig dazubeiträgt. Unter anderem sollte man wie immer auf seine Ernährung achten. Meine Haut wurde durch die Salze und gesunde Ernährung sehr gut, doch dann kam die Weihnachtszeit und viel zu viele Plätzchen, Kuchen, Schokolade usw. und ich konnte einfach nicht widerstehen. Und leider stimmt es: Man sieht wirklich jedes Stückchen Schokolade und jeden Bissen Fast Food auf der Haut.
Ein anderes Hautproblem plagt meine Schwester zurzeit. Sie hat seit kurzem eine extrem trockene Haut, die dadurch auch schuppig geworden ist.
Deswegen habe ich auch Salze für sie zusammengestellt. Nämlich die Schüßler-Salze Nr. 8 (Natrium Chloratum) und Nr. 20 (Kalium aluminium sulfuricum). Diese Salze auch vier Wochen lang 6 x täglich je 2 Tablette einnehmen.
Außerdem habe ich tolles Rezept für eine Maske gegen trockene Haut entdeckt. Für diese mörst man so viele Nr. 8 Salze bis man einen Teelöffel voll hat. Eine Avocado schälen und zerdrücken. Hier wäre eine reife Avocado am besten. Dann noch einen 1 EL Quark und 2 EL Honig hinzufügen und alles schön zu einer geschmeidigen Masse vermischen. Die Haut gründlich reinigen und die Maske 20 - 30 Minuten einwirken lassen. Danach mit lauwarmen Wasser abwaschen.
Ich hoffe, ich konnte euch ein wenig helfen und die Schüßler-Salze etwas näher bringen.
Eure Kat :-)
As I announced a while ago, there is finally a new post about Schüßler tissue salts. By now, I am more and more convinced that they are great, especially when you are troubled with skin problems.
In my case, the tissue salts have already helped me. Last April, I deliberately stopped taking the pill but I did not really think of the consequences for my skin. Until August, everything went well but then the horror started. Suddenly I had acne for the first time in my life. Up to that point, I had only sometimes been challenged with psoriasis in my face. But when you get acne when you are 26 ... that just sucks.
So I dealt with homeopathic ways to make your skin look better and here are some tips for you (when you have acne skin with oily T-zones):
You should always only use 3 salts at one time for inner application. My absolute favourite salts are the Schüßler tissue salts no. 3 ( iron phosphate ), no. 11 (silica) and no. 12 (calcium sulphate).
Use them for four weeks. Take 2 of each 6 times a day, thus 36 tablets a day. Just let them slowly melt in your mouth. If you suffer from lactose intolerance, you should switch to drops and globules!
For external use, you can buy ointments made of Schüßler salts. You can also make ointments and masks of the tissue salts yourself. I recommend ointments containing the salts no. 9 (sodium phosphate) and no. 11 (silica). Until now, I haven't made ointments myself so that's why I won't give you any instructions for that here.
Schüßler tissue salts can support the healing of your acne but you cannot rely on the salts alone if you don't contribute to it a bit yourself. Among other things, you should always take care of a healthy diet.
My skin was really good after I used the tissue salts and ate more healthy but then Christmas time came and I ate way too many cookies, cakes, chocolates etc. and I simply could not resist. And it is unfortunately true: Every bit of chocolate and every bite of junk food shows up on your skin.
Another skin problem is troubling my sister at the moment. Lately, she has had extremely dry skin which also got flaky because of that.
That's why I also found her some salts, namely the Schüßler tissue salts no. 8 (sodium chloride) and no. 20 (potassium aluminium sulfuricum). These salts should also be taken for four weeks, 2 tablets of each salt, 6 times a day.
Apart from that, I also found a great recipe for a mask again dry skin. For the mask, you crush in a mortar as many no. 8 salts as you need to fill a tea spoon. Peel an avocado and mash it. A ripe one would be better in this case. Then you add 1 tbsp curd and 2 tbsp honey and mix everything to a smooth mass. Clean your skin properly and keep the mask 20 - 30 minutes on your face. Afterwards, you simply wash it off with lukewarm water.
I hope that I could help you a little and that I brought the Schüßler tissue salts a bit closer to you.
Kat :-)
As I announced a while ago, there is finally a new post about Schüßler tissue salts. By now, I am more and more convinced that they are great, especially when you are troubled with skin problems.
In my case, the tissue salts have already helped me. Last April, I deliberately stopped taking the pill but I did not really think of the consequences for my skin. Until August, everything went well but then the horror started. Suddenly I had acne for the first time in my life. Up to that point, I had only sometimes been challenged with psoriasis in my face. But when you get acne when you are 26 ... that just sucks.
So I dealt with homeopathic ways to make your skin look better and here are some tips for you (when you have acne skin with oily T-zones):
You should always only use 3 salts at one time for inner application. My absolute favourite salts are the Schüßler tissue salts no. 3 ( iron phosphate ), no. 11 (silica) and no. 12 (calcium sulphate).
Use them for four weeks. Take 2 of each 6 times a day, thus 36 tablets a day. Just let them slowly melt in your mouth. If you suffer from lactose intolerance, you should switch to drops and globules!
For external use, you can buy ointments made of Schüßler salts. You can also make ointments and masks of the tissue salts yourself. I recommend ointments containing the salts no. 9 (sodium phosphate) and no. 11 (silica). Until now, I haven't made ointments myself so that's why I won't give you any instructions for that here.
Schüßler tissue salts can support the healing of your acne but you cannot rely on the salts alone if you don't contribute to it a bit yourself. Among other things, you should always take care of a healthy diet.
My skin was really good after I used the tissue salts and ate more healthy but then Christmas time came and I ate way too many cookies, cakes, chocolates etc. and I simply could not resist. And it is unfortunately true: Every bit of chocolate and every bite of junk food shows up on your skin.
Another skin problem is troubling my sister at the moment. Lately, she has had extremely dry skin which also got flaky because of that.
That's why I also found her some salts, namely the Schüßler tissue salts no. 8 (sodium chloride) and no. 20 (potassium aluminium sulfuricum). These salts should also be taken for four weeks, 2 tablets of each salt, 6 times a day.
Apart from that, I also found a great recipe for a mask again dry skin. For the mask, you crush in a mortar as many no. 8 salts as you need to fill a tea spoon. Peel an avocado and mash it. A ripe one would be better in this case. Then you add 1 tbsp curd and 2 tbsp honey and mix everything to a smooth mass. Clean your skin properly and keep the mask 20 - 30 minutes on your face. Afterwards, you simply wash it off with lukewarm water.
I hope that I could help you a little and that I brought the Schüßler tissue salts a bit closer to you.
Kat :-)
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