Sunday, 3 November 2013

Sauerbraten - a delicious Franconian dish

Today I want to introduce you a bit to our Bavarian/Franconian cuisine. As I mentioned in some posts before, Franconia (where I am actually from) is the northern part of Bavaria and our cultures and cuisines are as good as alike.
But there is one dish - the Franconian Sauerbraten - that is very special here in Franconia. Sauerbraten is a marinated pot roast dish that is known throughout Germany but recipes vary from region to region.
This recipe is a traditional Franconian one and I hope to guide you through it with no problems. Who knows ... maybe you'll be cooking it, too, someday to show off ;-)

Of course, you can go to the supermarket and buy some ready-made sauce but this recipe does not contain any of those ingredients. Everything is made fresh from scratch.
Therefore, you need to decide in advance on which day you want to eat Sauerbraten because you need to marinade the beef four or five days beforehand.

Here are the ingredients you need for the marinade (which later will be used for the sauce):

After 4 or 5 days in the marinade and in the fridge, you take out the beef and sieve the vegetables. Then you prepare the following ingredients:

Step 1 & 2: Let the vegetables drain well and keep the rest of the marinade in a bowl. Dab the beef with some paper towel.
Step 3: Stir-fry the beef on each side in some vegetable oil for about 2 till 3 minutes. Then take it out of the pan again.
Step 4: Now put the vegetables into the pan and let them braise.

Step 5: Add the rest of the marinade and the tomato paste and stir well.
Step 6: Put the meat back into the pan and add the sugar and the cranberries.
Step 7: Crumble the Soßenlebkuchen (maybe you can find it in a German supermarket or a gourmet food shop) or the pumpernickel and add it. If you use the pumpernickel, don't forget the syrup. Just add as much as syrup as you like, depending on how much sweetness you want to add. And add just as much pumpernickel as you need to thicken the gravy a bit more.
Step 8: Stir all the ingredients well into the gravy and let the Sauerbraten simmer for about 2 hours on a pretty low heat. You can let it simmer in a pan with a lid on your cooking plate or in your oven.

As side dishes, I chose Knödel (potato dumplings) and red cabbage. I was a bit lazy, so I just bought some fresh Knödel dough and red cabbage as you can see in the pictures below.

Just put the red cabbage in a pot, add 200 ml currant juice and two sliced apples. Let the juice first boil up a bit and then let the cabbage simmer on low for as long as you want to (depending how soft you want your cabbage, I let mine simmer for about 2 hours). Almost at the end, you should add some black pepper and salt. Be careful though not to add too much. 
I used two glasses of red cabbage which is almost 1 kg. That is why I used 200 ml juice and two apples. If you want to make less cabbage, then use less juice and apples :-)

This is how you roll Knödel :-) Maybe you can find some dough in a German supermarket or the like. If not, you can probably google how to make German potato dumplings. I will probably upload a recipe with step-by-step instruction pictures at some point. 
And by the way, this little thing I put in the middle of the Knödel in the second picture is a bread crumb. To be honest, I don't know why we put them in the Knödel but my mother said it is important for the Knödel not to fall apart while they are being cooked in the water.

Here is the result :-)

I added some extra cranberries on the plate. I didn't sieve the vegetables out of the gravy again but you can do that of course if you want to. If you leave them in the gravy, however, make sure that you don't eat the juniper berries and the bay leaves (doesn't taste that great ;-) ).

I hope you enjoyed this post/recipe/dish :-) I would be thrilled to get some feedback.

Kat :-)

Friday, 1 November 2013

Cashew Chicken

Schon seit längerem bin ich auf der Suche nach einem Rezept für dieses asiatische Gericht. Hühnchen mit Cashewnüssen!
In Kopenhagen habe ich dieses Gericht total gerne im Wok Shop gegessen und deswegen wollte ich dieses Gericht selbst zu Hause nachkochen. Und nun habe ich endlich ein ähnliches Rezept von einer Amerikanerin auf Pinterest gefunden. Ich habe es heute nachgekocht mit ein paar Abwandlungen (allein schon, um mehr Soße zu dem Gericht zu haben, denn ich mag es nicht allzu trocken). Meine Eltern haben mitgegessen und sie fanden es superlecker. Also, ich kann es nur empfehlen und hoffe, ihr habt jetzt eine neue Kochinspiration :-)

Zum Rezept:

für 4 Personen
ca. 400 - 500 gr Hähnchenbrust
40 gr Mehl
einen guten halben TL Pfeffer
1 EL Rapsöl
150 ml Sojasauce
6 EL Reisessig
6 EL Ketchup
3 EL brauner Zucker (kann auch weißer sein)
2 - 3 Knoblauchzehen, fein gehackt (je nach Geschmack)
1 TL frisch geriebener Ingwer (Achtung! nicht mehr als einen TL)
1 1/2 TL Paprikapulver
100 - 150 gr Cashewnüsse (je nachdem, wie viel man will)
2 - 3 Frühlingszwiebeln (wieder je Geschmack)

Kleiner Tipp zu Beginn: Benutzt am besten eine große Pfanne mit Deckel.

Das Mehl und den Pfeffer in einer Schüssel mischen, Hähnchenbrust in kleine Stücke schneiden und in der Schüssel im Mehl-Pfeffer-Gemisch wälzen. Das Rapsöl in einer Pfanne erhitzen und das Fleisch goldbrauen anbraten. 
Sojasauce, Reisessig, Ketchup, brauner Zucker, Knoblauch, Ingwer und Paprikapulver in einer Schüssel vermischen und über das angebratene Hühnchen geben. Das Ganze aufkochen lassen und dann auf niedrigster Stufe mit Deckel weiterköcheln lassen. Nach ca. 15 Minuten die Cashewnüsse und die klein gehackten Frühlingszwiebeln hinzugeben. Dann nochmals 15 Minuten köcheln lassen. Das Gericht dann mit Reis servieren und genießen :-)

For some time now, I have already been looking for a recipe for this Asian dish - chicken with cashew nuts!
I really liked eating that dish at the wok shop in Copenhagen and that's why I wanted to cook it myself at home. And now I finally found a similar recipe by an American woman on pinterest. Today I tried it out with a few alterations (not only to have more sauce for this dish because I don't like it too dry). My parents came for dinner and they also thought that it was super delicious. I can only recommend this dish and hope that you've got some new cooking inspiration :-)

the recipe

ca. 400 - 500 gr skinless chicken breasts 
40 gr flour
a good 1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp canola oil
150 ml soy sauce
6 tbsp rice vinegar
6 tbsp ketchup
3 tbsp brown sugar (or normal white sugar)
2 or 3 garlic cloves, minced (depending on taste)
1 tsp freshly grated ginger(watch out! don't use more than a tsp)
1 1/2 tsp paprika powder
100 - 150 gr cashew nuts, unsalted (depending on how many you like to have in your dish)
2 or 3 spring onions/scallions (again depending on your taste)

Some piece of advice for starters: use a big frying pan that has a lid.
Put the flour and the pepper in a bowl and mix it. Cut the chicken into small pieces and toss it in the flour-pepper-mix. Heat the canola oil in a frying pan and add the chicken. Fry the chicken until it is golden brown. 
Combine the soy sauce, vinegar, ketchup, sugar, garlic, ginger and paprika powder in a bowl and pour it over the chicken. Let everything boil up, then continue to let it simmer with the lid on low. After about 15 minutes, add the cashew nuts and the chopped spring onions. Let it simmer for another 15 minutes. Serve it with rice and enjoy it :-)

Kat :-)

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Musiktipp <3 music tip

Ich bin verliebt! Und zwar gnadenlos in ein Album, das ich nur zufällig entdeckt habe. Letztes Wochenende habe ich mich von Webseite zu Webseite, von Links zu Links durchgeklickt, einfach aus Langeweile und bin dann irgendwann auf einen Musiktipp gestoßen. Nate Richert und sein Album 'Halogen Moon'! Da ich zurzeit immer die selben fünf Alben im Zug zur Arbeit höre (Feist, Travis, Kings of Leon, Florence and the Machine und Ghost of the Robot), dachte ich mir, dass ich mal kurz auf iTunes ein wenig in das Album reinhöre. Also habe ich ein Lied angeklickt und schon nach den ersten 10 Sekunden von dem Lied wusste ich, dass ich mir das Album unbedingt kaufen muss. Und es hat sich gelohnt! Seit einer Woche nun höre ich im Zug und zu Hause nichts mehr anderes. 
Die Stimme von Nate Richert ist wirklich toll und die Musik heitert mich auf, wenn ich aus dem Zugfenster schaue und nichts als Regen und einen grauen Himmel im Moment sehe.
Ich bin unheimlich froh, dass ich dieses Album und auch diesen Musikstil entdeckt habe und kann den Kauf der CD nur wärmstens empfehlen :-) Und wenn ihr das Album kauft, dann hoffe ich, dass es euch auch so ans Herz wächst wie mir.

Eure Kat

I'm in love! And that is merciless with an album that I only discovered by accident. Last weekend, I was clicking my way through the web, from website to website, from link to link, just because I was bored and after a while I came across a music tip. Nate Richert and his album 'halogen moon'! Since I have listened to the same five albums lately on the train to work (Feist, Travis, Kings of Leon, Florence and the Machine and Ghost of the Robot), I thought that I should listen quickly to the album on iTunes. So I clicked on one song and already after the first 10 seconds of the song I knew that I absolutely must buy this album. And it was totally worth it! For a week now, I have listened to nothing else but this on the train and at home.
Nate Richert's voice is really great and the music cheers me up when I look out of the train window and only see rain and a grey sky outside at the moment.
I am incredibly glad that I discovered this album and also this kind of music and I only can highly recommend buying this CD :-) And if you buy the album, I hope that it will also grow that much on you as it did on me.

Yours, Kat


Thursday, 3 October 2013

Die Häkelsaison ist wieder da :-) crochet season is back!!

Ich bin einer von den eher wenigen, die den Herbst und Winter mögen und nicht ständig über die Kälte und Dunkelheit meckern. Tee, kuschelige Tage und Abende zu Hause, Weihnachten usw. ... und Häkeln und Stricken! Das Häkelfieber hat mich wie jedes Jahr zu dieser Zeit gepackt. 
Normalerweise stricke ich lieber, weil ich das besser kann. Das dachte ich zumindest, bis ich von meiner Tante ein Häkelbuch für Socken und Hausschuhe bekommen habe und aus diesem Buch diese tollen Ballerina-Hausschuhe selbst gehäkelt habe.

Leider bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob ich die Anleitung hier veröffentlich darf (ich schätze mal eher weniger -> Copyright!), aber Anleitungen gibt es sicher auch im Internet irgendwo zu finden. Solche Ballerinas zu häkeln geht wirklich leichter als man denkt und es macht Spaß. 
Wer nun auch Lust auf Häkeln bekommen hat, sollte einmal bei youtube die Videos von eliZZZa13 anschauen. Sie erklärt dort in Videos auf Deutsch und auch auf Englisch wie man häkelt und strickt. Außerdem hat sie zwei Webseiten (Nadelspiel und knitaholics), die wirklich toll und interessant sind. Die Frau hat's einfach drauf!

Also viel Spaß beim kreativ sein und einen schönen Herbst!

Eure Kat

I am one of the few people who like autumn and winter and who does not constantly complain about the cold and darkness. Tea, cozy days and evenings at home, Christmas, and so on ... and crochet and knitting! I've caught the crochet fever again as always at that time of the year. 
Normally, I prefer knitting because I am better at this. At least that is what I thought until I got a book on how to crochet socks and slippers. I found these beautiful ballerina slippers and crocheted them.

I am unfortunately not sure whether I am allowed to publish the instructions on my blog (I guess rather not for copyright reasons!) but there are certainly a lot of instructions on the internet somewhere. Crocheting such ballerinas is actually easier than you think and it is fun.
If you feel like crocheting now, too, you should check out the videos of eliZZZa13 on youtube. There she explains in German and in English how to crochet and knit. She also has two websites ((Nadelspiel and knitaholics)which are truly amazing and interesting. This woman has it down pat!

Have fun being creative and enjoy autumn!

Yours, Kat

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Kerwa! - a festivity you should not miss

It has taken me some time now to get around to writing a new post but here it comes - a post about Kerwa in Franconia.

Kerwa is the Franconian word for Kirchweih. For hundreds of centuries, the Kirchweih has been celebrated, originally in order to consecrate a church (Kirche = church, Weihe = consecration) but in the course of time, the religious aspect has been neglected. Nowadays it is a nice get-together for people of every age. It is also a good opportunity to wear your traditional/local garb. 
You can see me (on the left) with my sister in our Dirndl and Lederhosen (yes, girls can wear them nowadays, too .. but in former times, this would not have been appropriate). You have to apologise the bad quality of the picture but taken with a mobile, you cannot expect much.

We were at the Kerwa in Gunzenhausen which has had a tradition of more than 600 years. There is always a huge beer tent where you can eat and drink, well drink mostly ;-), and there is also live music in the evening. Furthermore, there is a wine tent as well as many food stands and funfair rides. And, of course, a parade makes these fun days perfect. So enjoy some impressions of the parade.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Bavaria - meine Heimat

After my last post on Copenhagen, I was thinking really hard about my next post and what it should be about but then I simply thought that I should write a little something about Bavaria.

Germany has become a quite popular holiday destination and many think initially of Bavaria and its culture and landscape when they think of Germany.

Therefore, it is essential for you to know a little bit more about this part of Germany than the average Oktoberfest tourist does :-)

As all of you know, there are 16 Bundesländer (states) in Germany. 
Three of them, namely Hamburg, Bremen and Berlin, are Stadtstaaten (city-states) since these states only consist of the territory of the respective cities.
Five of the Bundesländer are the 'new' Bundesländer (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Saxony). They once were the former German Democratic Republic. Although the east of Berlin was part of it, Berlin is not included in the new Bundesländer today.

So far, so good. Now you know a bit about the Bundesländer. As you can see on the map, Bavaria is the largest Bundesland in size (appr. 70,550 km²). The largest population though can be found in North Rhine-Westphalia with 17.5 million inhabitants compared to 12.5 million in Bavaria.

Bavaria has a special culture and history and is different from the rest of Germany. Well, I admit that this sounds very patriotic but I think I am not the only Bavarian thinking this way.

In this picture, you can see a map of Bavaria and its seven regions. 
Oberfranken, Mittelfranken und Unterfranken belong to Bavaria but the three regions together are called Franconia and represent another region in Germany with its own dialect, culture and history which is quite similiar to the Bavarian dialect and culture. 
Schwaben is also part of the Bavarian state but there they speak the Swabian dialect and belong to the Swabians.

It might be hard to understand the distinction of the different regions in Bavaria when you are not from Germany that is why I am trying to bring 'my Bavaria' a bit closer to you.

I love our traditions and it is sad to see that these have almost disappeared in the big cities and towns. If there is still some traditional event, then it is mostly for the sake of entertainment and tourism.
When you take a look at the countryside, however, you can still find appreciation for our tradition and heritage.

I took this picture in a small village in Oberbayern where they had their annual Dorffest. There are still socities for traditional costumes and this one was for the children of the village and they also rehearse traditional dances and show them at events.

Bavaria is also blessed with a very delicious cuisine (which is not the best for staying slim, trust me ;-) ). People from all over the world know at least one Bavarian dish let alone Bavarian beer.
Our beer is known throughout the world and the world should also know about our excellent wine which is cultivated in the northwestern part of Bavaria, in the area around the city of Würzburg.

I want to write more posts for you about Bavaria and the life there. So stay tuned :-)


Monday, 26 August 2013

where to go in Copenhagen

After I spent a week in Copenhagen again last week, I came to realise that I am pretty much over Copenhagen. This city will always be in my heart, I had great two years there and the most amazing friends who will always welcome me back, but my life is just here in Bavaria. I simply love our nature, our culture, our Gemütlichkeit and our beautiful dialect :-)
One thing is for sure though: I will try to come back to Copenhagen at least once a year!

The first day I was cycling again on the streets of Copenhagen, I felt rather overwhelmed by these masses of people, both cyclists and pedestrians, and I asked myself how I managed to cycle there daily for two years (and without a helmet!!) without ever being caught up in an accident.

One thing that I like about Copenhagen is the vast offer of cafés, bars and restaurants. So I thought that I would write a post about them and introduce you to some of my favourite places.

In this picture, you can see a map of Copenhagen with some spots that I like and want to share with you :-)

1. Blågårdsgade - In this street, you can find many cafés and bars. It is perfect for a nice evening with friends, sitting in front of the cafés in the summer time, chatting over a beer, meeting interesting people from all over the world. 

2. Toldboden - This restaurant is located right by the water which means that you have a pretty view over the harbour, the cruise ships and the Opera House. I love the interior and they serve pretty decent fish and chips with mushed peas and veggies.

3. Ruby - Cozy, tiny bit expensive cocktail bar right by the canal. They have a rather fancy looking interior so you feel pretty much like a V.I.P. :-)

4. Din nye ven - Student café for all the hipsters in Copenhagen. The prices are fairly reasonable for this central location.

5. Tire bouchon - If you like wine and France then you have found the perfect address. This French wine bar has a nice selection of wines and a delicious small menu. Perfect summer evening!

6. Kødbyen - The former meatpacking district in Vesterbro is now packed with bars, clubs and restaurants. You can also find Kødbyens fiskebar there, a nice restaurant with lots of yummy food.

7. Mikkeller Bar - This bar is a must for beer lovers. They only serve selected beers from microbreweries from all over the world and of course some sodas and snacks. Mikkeller was also voted best bar in Copenhagen last year. So go and check it out!

8. Luna's Diner - Also called Live, Love, Luna :-) Amazingly tasty food and the best milkshakes I have ever had in my life. You can find one of their diners in Sankt Annæ Gade 5, Christianshavn and the other one in Vesterbrogade 42 in Vesterbro. I somehow always preferred the one in Christianshavn, probably because I lived in the very same street.

9. Serenity Cupcakes - I already wrote a post about this sweet, little café. Mariam, the owner, is such a lovely and talented person and she totally deserves all the success she has had with her café. So it goes without saying that I had a cupcake there again last week ;-)

10. The Wok Shop - Reasonable, tasty Asian food. My favourite dish there is no. 26, the chicken cashew. There are two wok shops in Copenhagen, one in Gammel Kongevej 122 and the other one in Ny Adelgade 6.

I forgot to mention Café Retro which is a non-profit café in Knabrostræde 26. Lovely, international people, cozy interior and good prices. They also have a spare room that you can rent for free for events. I once booked it for a few hours for a clothes-swap-party. 

This is it for today. I hope you enjoyed reading about the different places in Copenhagen and maybe even go and check them out. I would love to hear back from anyone who went to one of these places due to my recommendation.

Kat :-)

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Hautalterung/skin ageing

Schon seit längerem möchte ich einen Post über Hautalterung schreiben, denn dieses Thema spielt ja bei jeder Frau je nachdem eine kleinere oder größere Rolle. Daher finde ich es wichtig, dass man über die Ursachen genau Bescheid weiß und wie man den Prozess der Hautalterung etwas mehr hinauszögern kann und somit länger frisch und jung aussehen kann.

Die Ursachen der Hautalterung

Es ist einfach genetisch bedingt, dass im Laufe der Zeit die Qualität und die Funktionsfähigkeit der neugebildeten Zellen abnimmt. Mit der Zeit entstehen einfach immer mehr „Fehler“ bei der Zellteilung, was immer zu immer mehr freien Radikalen führt und die wollen wir im Idealfall abfangen. Faktoren wie eine Minderversorgung der Zellen und des Gewebes mit Sauerstoff, Vitaminen, Coenzymen und anderen wichtigen Stoffen tragen dann auch noch ihren Teil dazu bei.

Es gibt das „innere Altern“ und das „äußere Altern“. Das „innere Altern“ kann man positiv beeinflussen, indem man sich an folgende Punkte hält:
  • ausgewogen essen und genügend Wasser trinken
  •  darauf achten, dass man ausreichend Vitamine und Spurenelemente zu sich nimmt (am besten durch Essen, nicht durch Nahrungsergänzungsmittel)
  • Sport zur Verbesserung der Zirkulationsverhältnisse im Körper, denn durch Bewegung ist der Kreislauf besser mit Sauerstoff versorgt (Achtung bei Cellulite: Joggen ist kein guter Sport, da durch die Erschütterungen des Bindesgewebes die Cellulite meist noch schlimmer sichtbar wird. Schwimmen oder Fahrrad fahren ist eine viel bessere Weise, Gewicht zu verlieren UND Cellulite zu bekämpfen, außerdem ist das viel besser für die Gelenke.)
  •  eine gute, abgestimmte Hautpflege (lasst euch von eurer Kosmetikerin beraten!!)
  • die gezielte Einnahme von Oxidationsschutzstoffen z.b. β-Carotin, Selen (aber nicht übertreiben, denn zu viele Tabletten können ja auch nicht gut für den Körper sein)

Das „äußere Altern“ wird durch folgende Faktoren ausgelöst (und meine persönliche Meinung ist, dass man diese Faktoren den meisten Menschen sofort im Gesicht ansieht, als Kosmetikerin zumindest):
  • falsche Ernährung
  •  Alkohol und Nikotin
  • Sonnenbestrahlung
  • zu wenig Schlaf
  • ständiger Stress

An dieser Stelle möchte ich dann gleich die Sonnenbestrahlung ansprechen. In den Strahlen sind UVA- und UVA-Strahlen, die nicht nur unsere DNA direkt verändert sondern auch die Bildung freier Radikale antreibt und zu einem Elastizitätsverlust der Bindegewebsfasern führt.

Also macht euch gut Gedanken darüber, was ihr esst und trinkt, wie ihr euer Leben führt und eure Haut behandelt, wenn ihr mit erst 40 Jahren nicht aussehen wollt wie eine 55-jährige. 

I have intended to write a post about skin ageing for a while now because this is a more or less important topic in every woman’s life. That is why I find it important to know exactly the causes and how one can stall the process of skin ageing and that way look fresh and younger for a bit longer.

What causes skin ageing

It is genetically determined that the quality and the functionality of new cells diminishes over the years. Gradually, there are more and more “flaws” in the cell division which leads to more and more free radicals that, in the ideal case, we want to intercept. Factors such as insufficient supply of oxygen, vitamins, coenzymes and other important substances in the cells and tissue also play a part in contributing to the ageing of our skin.

There is the ageing “on the inside” and the ageing “on the outside”. The ageing “on the inside” can be positively influenced by sticking to the following items:
  • eat a balanced diet and drink enough water
  • make sure you get enough vitamins and dietary minerals (most ideal by means of food, not by dietary supplements)
  • sport in order to improve the body circulation because our circular flow is better provided with oxygen due to the exercise (be careful when you suffer from cellulite: jogging is not a good type of sport since cellulite appears to get worse because the connective tissue gets shaken a lot. Swimming or cycling is a much better way to lose weight AND fight cellulite, also it is better for the joints.)
  • good, personalized skin care (go to your cosmetologist for advice)
  • the specific intake of oxidation protection such as beta-carotene, selenium (but do not overdo it because too many pills cannot be good for your body)

The ageing “on the outside” is triggered by the following factors (and I personally think that most of these factors are always visible in peoples’ faces , at least to a cosmetologist)
  • the wrong diet
  • alcohol and nicotine
  • sun rays
  • too little sleep
  •  constant stress

At this point, I would like to talk about sun rays. There are UVA and UVB rays in those rays that not only change our DNA directly but also boost free radicals and lead to a loss of elasticity of the connective tissue fibres.

Therefore you should give thought to what you eat and drink and how you live your life and treat your skin if you do not want to look like a 55-year-old when you are only 40.

Kat :-)

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Dampfnudelblues - eine Filmkritik

Dampfnudelblues - Offizieller Trailer

Nachdem letzten Donnerstag endlich Dampfnudelblues in Filmform in den bayrischen Kinos angelaufen ist, bin ich als großer Eberhofer-Fan sofort ins Kino, um den Film zu sehen.
Es ist mir natürlich klar, dass man nicht jede Szene aus einem Buch haargenau nachdrehen kann. Sonst würde so ein Film ja eine Ewigkeit dauern. Aber da ich das Buch "Dampfnudelblues" von Rita Falk eben schon gelesen habe und gut kenne, saß ich dann im Kino und habe alles Mögliche mit dem Buch verglichen.
Ich finde es komisch, dass der Franz im Film keinen Hund hat, der Moratschek nicht Richter sondern Dienststellenleiter ist und der Birkenberger nur Kaufhausdetektiv ist anstatt Privatdetektiv. Außerdem finde ich die Oma etwas fehlbesetzt, da sie in etwa genau so alt aussieht wie der Vater vom Franz und man sich beim Lesen immer eine ganz alte, kleine, gebrechliche Frau vorstellt.
Abgesehen von all diesen Dingen ist der Film wirklich gelungen und zeigt wieder, dass Filme made in Bavaria einfach der Brüller sind. 
Der Franz Eberhofer ist mit Sebastian Bezzel die absolute Traumbesetzung, ebenso wie der Rudi (Simon Schwarz), der Leopold (Gerhard Wittmann) und der Vater (Eisi Gulp). Außerdem läuft a sauguade Musi im Hintergrund :-)
Alles in allem und trotz der Abänderungen ist der Film genauso sehenswert wie das Buch lesenswert. Für alle Bayernkrimi-Fans ein MUSS!!

Kat :-)

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

my facebook fansite

Oh, by the way ... have I mentioned that I am not good at all at blogging? I mean I am trying but I am a bit more used to spend my time away from that electronic little black thingy on my desk. That's why I have no clue how to make this facebook icon thingy appear on my blog so you are automatically forwarded to my facebook page. So here is the link
Go and like my page :-) xxx

Trip to South Bavaria

Just a few impressions of my trip to the Lake Chiemsee :-)

 Bavarian folk dance - kids in local garb

 the island Frauenchiemsee

Makartsteg in Salzburg 


 Bavarian Brotzeit a.k.a. Vesper