Sunday, 28 December 2014

Christmas 2014

First of all, I hope you had just as great a Christmas as I had this year.

We spent Christmas Eve at my sister's new flat and had this lovely three-course dinner that you can see below in the picture.
In Germany, it is tradition to get your presents on Christmas Eve. Well, and on Christmas Day when the rest of the family and friends show up :-)

This year, my dear workmate told me about a tradition that has been in her family for ages.
On Christmas Eve, when they start to exchange the presents, they have found this great way of passing them to each other.
In my family, we used to give each other our presents and after about ten minutes everything was unwrapped, the living room covered in wrapping paper and that was it.
But, my workmate's family does the following:

You take a pair of dice, everyone picks a number between 2 and 12 (you can't roll a 1 ;-) ) and then the first one rolls the dices. If you roll your number, you get to choose the person who has to give you his or her present for you. If you haven't rolled your number, it's the next one's turn to roll the dice. And it simply goes on like this, round after round, until every present under the tree is given to its new owner.
That way, it is so much more fun for everyone and you get to watch everyone how they open their presents. Because you take a break while someone is opening his/her present.

As I said, it normally took us about 10 minutes and the whole present exchanging thing was over. This time, it took us over an hour. At first, my family was a bit sceptical when I told them about the "dice game" and the first 5 minutes of rolling the dices were a bit schlepping but in the end, everyone loved it and we want to make it our family tradition now, too.

Maybe it could be something for your next Christmas Day to spice it up and keep the family busy.

Kat xxx

Friday, 26 December 2014

my sister's new flat - impressions

 Two months ago, my sister finally moved out of her crappy old place and found this lovely, spacious flat. She is a decoration freak, just a bit like me, and therefore I wanted to show you just a few small impressions.
As you certainly can see, she fancies something between shabby chic and modern country style. The colours should be kept simple - white, creme, beige, different brown tones, pale green and blue shades. My sister doesn't really like much bling bling and shrill colours.

 In my opinion, she did a great job. Everything goes together so well and you simply just feel so welcome and home when you come around to see her.
I hope you'll find some inspiration here for your next decoration project.

Yours, Kat :-)

Monday, 1 December 2014

Christmas time

After months of absence, I am back. It has been a rough time with a new job that turned out to be a nightmare but I now I have a new new one and I am happy again :-)

And one of my favourite times (if not my absolute favourite time) of the year has just begun ... CHRISTMAS TIME!!!
Some are already tired of the Christmas music everywhere and the Lebkuchen but I am just about to start baking and decorating the house.
This year, my sister and I decided to make Advent calendars for each other. I am glad we decided this in the beginning of November because it took some time to find and buy these little items. 24 of them!!!
So, I want to share some pictures of the calendar that I got from my sister. It is bigger than I had expected and I unfortunately don't have enough space for it so I just put it on the backrest of the sofa.

I could not wait to open the first sachet and it contained a packet of tea :-) my sister knows exactly how much I love tea. Tea, tea, tea! Hallelujah!!

Though I am 27 and my sister is 21 years old, we simply love Christmas and all the hustle and bustle about it and we say: YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD FOR AN ADVENT CALENDAR!!

Kat :-) xxx

Sunday, 8 June 2014

I felt a bit creative ...

It has been a while since my last post but I have been really busy. I finished beauty school with a really good diploma and I am still on the job hunt. But it is going great so far.
Well, here are some things I made last week just because I felt like doing something creative to make my home look nicer.
First I painted this little chest of drawers white and used napkin decoupage to finally get rid of these terrible red, blue and green drawers.
Then I made a collage for my living room using an old Daphne's Diary magazine (yes, I love Daphne's Diary and it was really hard for me cutting the magazine into small pieces). And then finally I made this painting ... well, there is not much paint on it, just some butterflies and some golden craft stuff that had been left over. 
It is not big art but I like it :-) I hope you also like it and feel a bit inspired.

Yours, Kat :-)


Monday, 21 April 2014

new music for your ears :-)

Aus Skandinavien kann nur Gutes kommen. 
So wie Jonas Alaska und seine Musik.
Ich möchte gar nicht viel darüber schreiben, denn ich befinde mich gerade im Prüfungsstress. Aber trotzdem möchte ich meine musikalische Entdeckung mit euch dort draußen teilen und hoffe, dass ihr genau so begeistert sein werdet wie ich es bin.

Viel Spaß mit den Videos :-)

Eure Kat x

There is only good things coming from Scandinavia.
Such as Jonas Alaska and his music.
I don't want to write much about it because I'm in the middle of my final exams. Nevertheless, I still wanted to share my musical discovery with you out there hoping that you'd be as enthusiastic as I am.

Enjoy the videos :-)

Yours Kat x

Friday, 7 March 2014

to fast or not to fast ...

Das Thema "Abnehmen und Diäten" ist ein lästiges Thema für uns Frauen und ich bin mir sicher, dass fast jede von uns nicht hundertprozentig zufrieden ist mit ihrem Körper.
Ich habe lange überlegt, ob ich dieses Thema hier auf meinem Blog ansprechen soll. Soll ich öffentlich über meine Probleme jammern und andere wissen lassen, dass ich mich zu dick fühle und abnehmen möchte?
Nachdem ich nach fast zwei Jahren in Kopenhagen letztes Jahr im April wieder zu meinen Eltern gezogen bin, hatte ich mir fest vorgenommen, mich nicht wieder dem Essensverhalten meiner Eltern anzuschließen. Doch das war leider leichter gesagt als getan. Meine Mama ist die typische deutsche Hausfrau, die ihre Familie gerne bekocht. Fleischküchle, Gulasch, Paprikaschoten, der obligatorische Sonntagsbraten mit Klößen, Pfannkuchen ... ich könnte noch eine ganze Weile so weiter aufzählen, was bei uns auf den Tisch kommt. Alles natürlich immer schön in Schmalz rausgebraten, mit viel Soße und wenn Gemüse, dann Gemüse in Mehlschwitze. Dann kamen jetzt noch die kalten, tristen Wintermonate und die ganzen Weihnachtsnaschereien hinzu. Kurzum: ich habe hemmungslos gegessen (jup, sieben Donuts von Dunkin' Donuts an einem Wochenende!!), passe ich keiner meiner Hosen mehr und ich war von meinem BMI-Wert schockiert!
Die sonnigen Tage in letzter Zeit haben mich aus meinem Winterschlaf geweckt und ich fühle mich überaus motiviert, mehr Sport zu treiben und gesünder zu essen. Ich habe mich für einen Aqua Fitness Kurs angemeldet und mache wieder meine alten Pilatesübungen. Außerdem faste ich seit Aschermittwoch (ich habe beschlossen auf Süßigkeiten und sonstige Zuckerbomben zu verzichten) und habe auch sonst meine Ernährung umgestellt. Bis nun sind es erst ein paar Tage, aber ich bin schon ein bisschen stolz auf mich, dass ich durchhalte.
Abgesehen von der Tatsache, dass ich mich außer Form fühle, habe ich auch wieder leichte Schuppenflechte bekommen wegen der vielen Süßigkeiten und der schlechten Ernährung.
Ich hoffe, ich kann bald von Erfolgen berichten und bekomme vielleicht ein paar Tipps von meinen LeserInnen.

Eure Kat x

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Thomas Brun - music made with blood, sweat and tears

In October 2011, I was lucky enough to go to a bar in Copenhagen called 'den glade gris' (the happy pig). As I entered the bar with my friend, I could hear someone playing the guitar. When we finally approached the small stage, my friend and I were really fascinated by this musician.
A good-looking man with curly, brown hair and black old Converse shoes on playing his guitar. Several loops arranged around him and a harmonica on a holder around his neck. It all might appear as if he is another one of these musician who roam the bars night after night playing shabby cover versions of famous songs.
Well, admittedly, he did play cover versions of other people's songs but his way of singing them was quite unique and still is today. It doesn't get boring and it is never bad.
The name of this man? Thomas Brun! I was even more lucky to get into a conversation with him and we sort of became friends. Everytime he came back to Copenhagen to play gigs at den glade gris, we met up and hung out at those weekends. That is why I can tell you that he is an musician to the core.

But he does not only cover songs, he also wrote his own songs, went to the US and recorded and produced an album there. 

You can read his story on his website. There you can also find current dates for his gigs in Paris.

And to give you a taste of what to expect when you go and see him live, there are some clips on youtube.

Hope you are enjoying his music. His album "all" can be bought on amazon and iTunes.

Yours, Kat :-)

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Incredibly beautiful music made in Bavaria

This will just be a short post but a good one :-) with a cracking music tip!!
Until last Friday night, I did not know that this band existed but as I was zapping my way through the channels and got stuck on one programme showing musicians from Bavaria, I saw them. And I fell for them immediately!!!

The sensational, incredible, daredevil Moonband !!!

Living years abroad in Copenhagen, I have been out of touch with the local music scene at home in Bavaria and to be honest ... I simply did not know that there was such great music at home. But now I know better and I want to share it with you! Check them out on youtube and buy their albums. They are a must in your album collection! 

The Moonband - Boogeyman

The Moonband - Joänne

Enjoy!! :-)

Yours, Kat

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Schöne Haut mit Schüßler-Salzen / Beautiful skin with Schüßler tissue salts

Wie bereits vor langer Zeit angekündigt, kommt nun endlich wieder ein kleiner Beitrag über Schüßler-Salze. Mittlerweile bin ich immer mehr von ihnen überzeugt, vor allem wenn man sich mit Problemhaut herumschlagen muss.

In meinem Fall haben mich die Salze schon weitergebracht. Letzten April habe ich bewusst die Anti-Baby-Pille abgesetzt, aber nicht großartig über die Konsequenzen für meine Haut nachgedacht. Bis August ist dann auch alles gut gelaufen, aber dann ist der Horror losgegangen. Ich hatte plötzlich zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben Akne. Bisher war ich ja manchmal mit Schuppenflechte im Gesicht geplagt, aber dann mit 26 Jahren Akne ... das war schon nervig.
Also habe ich mich mehr mit homöopathischen Wegen zur Besserung beschäftigt und folgende Tipps für euch (bei Aknehaut mit fettiger T-Zone):

Zur innerlichen Anwendung immer nur 3 Salze zur gleichen Zeit. Meine absoluten Favouriten sind hier das Schüßler-Salz Nr. 3 (Ferrum Phosphoricum), Nr. 11 (Silicea) und Nr. 12 (Calcium Sulfuricum).
Von allen drei Salzen vier Wochen lang 6 x täglich je 2 Tabletten einnehmen, also 36 Stück täglich. Die Tabletten einfach im Mund langsam zergehen lassen. Bei Lactoseintoleranz bitte auf Tropfen oder Globuli umsteigen!

Zur äußeren Anwendung gibt es aus Salben aus Schüßler-Salzen zu kaufen. Man kann aber auch selbst Salben oder Masken aus den Salzen herstellen. Hier empfehle ich Salben mit den Salzen Nr. 9 (Natrium Phosphoricum) und Nr. 11 (Silicea). Bis jetzt habe ich selbst noch keine Salben hergestellt, deswegen gibt es nun von mir auch kein Rezept.

Die Schüßler-Salze können die Abheilung der Akne unterstützen, aber man kann sich nicht alleine auf die Salze verlassen, wenn man selbst nicht noch ein wenig dazubeiträgt. Unter anderem sollte man wie immer auf seine Ernährung achten. Meine Haut wurde durch die Salze und gesunde Ernährung sehr gut, doch dann kam die Weihnachtszeit und viel zu viele Plätzchen, Kuchen, Schokolade usw. und ich konnte einfach nicht widerstehen. Und leider stimmt es: Man sieht wirklich jedes Stückchen Schokolade und jeden Bissen Fast Food auf der Haut.

Ein anderes Hautproblem plagt meine Schwester zurzeit. Sie hat seit kurzem eine extrem trockene Haut, die dadurch auch schuppig geworden ist.
Deswegen habe ich auch Salze für sie zusammengestellt. Nämlich die Schüßler-Salze Nr. 8 (Natrium Chloratum) und Nr. 20 (Kalium aluminium sulfuricum). Diese Salze auch vier Wochen lang 6 x täglich je 2 Tablette einnehmen.

Außerdem habe ich tolles Rezept für eine Maske gegen trockene Haut entdeckt. Für diese mörst man so viele Nr. 8 Salze bis man einen Teelöffel voll hat. Eine Avocado schälen und zerdrücken. Hier wäre eine reife Avocado am besten. Dann noch einen 1 EL Quark und 2 EL Honig hinzufügen und alles schön zu einer geschmeidigen Masse vermischen. Die Haut gründlich reinigen und die Maske 20 - 30 Minuten einwirken lassen. Danach mit lauwarmen Wasser abwaschen.

Ich hoffe, ich konnte euch ein wenig helfen und die Schüßler-Salze etwas näher bringen.

Eure Kat :-)  

 As I announced a while ago, there is finally a new post about Schüßler tissue salts. By now, I am more and more convinced that they are great, especially when you are troubled with skin problems.
In my case, the tissue salts have already helped me. Last April, I deliberately stopped taking the pill but I did not really think of the consequences for my skin. Until August, everything went well but then the horror started. Suddenly I had acne for the first time in my life. Up to that point, I had only sometimes been challenged with psoriasis in my face. But when you get acne when you are 26 ... that just sucks.

So I dealt with homeopathic ways to make your skin look better and here are some tips for you (when you have acne skin with oily T-zones):

You should always only use 3 salts at one time for inner application. My absolute favourite salts are the Schüßler tissue salts no. 3 (    iron phosphate ), no. 11 (silica) and no. 12 (calcium sulphate).
Use them for four weeks. Take 2 of each 6 times a day, thus 36 tablets a day. Just let them slowly melt in your mouth. If you suffer from lactose intolerance, you should switch to drops and globules!

For external use, you can buy ointments made of Schüßler salts. You can also make ointments and masks of the tissue salts yourself. I recommend ointments containing the salts no. 9 (sodium phosphate) and no. 11 (silica). Until now, I haven't  made ointments myself so that's why I won't give you any instructions for that here.

Schüßler tissue salts can support the healing of your acne but you cannot rely on the salts alone if you don't contribute to it a bit yourself. Among other things, you should always take care of a healthy diet.
My skin was really good after I used the tissue salts and ate more healthy but then Christmas time came and I ate way too many cookies, cakes, chocolates etc. and I simply could not resist. And it is unfortunately true: Every bit of chocolate and every bite of junk food shows up on your skin.

Another skin problem is troubling my sister at the moment. Lately, she has had extremely dry skin which also got flaky because of that.
That's why I also found her some salts, namely the Schüßler tissue salts no. 8 (sodium chloride) and no. 20 (potassium aluminium sulfuricum). These salts should also be taken for four weeks, 2 tablets of each salt, 6 times a day.

Apart from that, I also found a great recipe for a mask again dry skin. For the mask, you crush in a mortar as many no. 8 salts as you need to fill a tea spoon. Peel an avocado and mash it. A ripe one would be better in this case. Then you add 1 tbsp curd and 2 tbsp honey and mix everything to a smooth mass. Clean your skin properly and keep the mask 20 - 30 minutes on your face. Afterwards, you simply wash it off with lukewarm water.

I hope that I could help you a little and that I brought the Schüßler tissue salts a bit closer to you.
Kat :-)

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Happy New Year

Hello everyone :-)

Happy (belated) new year to you all!! It has been a bit quiet here on my blog lately because I have had a lot to do (maintaining all my jobs) and Christmas time is also quite the stress nowadays. I was planning on writing posts about Christmas in Bavaria but I didn't get around to do it. Although Christmas is already over, I would like to share this little picture of my Christmas tree '13 with you :-)

It is one of my new year's resolutions though to be more active again on my blog. Right now, I am down ill in bed. I need a few days to fully recover and then I am going to start this year at full power. So stay tuned :)

Kat :-) xxx